Artistic concept
The purpose and state behind human actions have been the artistic themes I delve into deeply. From my student days to my youth, as I engage in artistic creation, the hopes, imaginations, fears, comforts, and obsessions are the most natural laws and expressions that can embody the essence of a person.
My works and thoughts reflect the resonance that humans have with anything other than themselves. This resonance can be mutual, positive, unilateral, and can give rise to various states. With the times, age, and different life backgrounds, the state each person exhibits is different and subject to change.
I seek and discover various states, and my feelings towards them might be simple or complex. This is actually an unknown, as it is constantly changing. With every second that passes, these changes might last for a period or might be just a fleeting moment. None of us can completely define the changes in states. The wonder of art lies in its ability to express these changes, and another part of its responsibility is to explain and discover a phenomenon inherent to humans.
My responsibility might be to seek and unearth this phenomenon that, while not clearly visible, is indeed a factual existence.